Lesson 40 Homonyms...For real it is a reel...

 Homonyms- Each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.

accept- take in :  I need to accept that I can't play tennis five times a week like I did as a teenager.  I 

am playing twice a week nowadays.

except- other than-  Except for the daily rain showers, we enjoyed our vacation in Seattle.

real- factual:  The biography of Queen Elizabeth is a real account of her life as a reigning queen for 

more than sixty years.

reel- roll:  The movie reel got tangled on the movie projector making it unwatchable.

ring-encircle-: The crop circles make a ring around the crops in the field.

ring-sound : The doorbell will ring a Christmas tune during the holidays.

wring- squeeze:  I had to wring out my blouse by hand when the washer went out of service.

road-street:  The road was recently paved making easier for people to drive their cars.

rode-past tense of ride: Last summer on our vacation to the Grand Canyon, we rode down the canyon on horseback.

ale-a beverage:  When I go to the Irish pubs I always order a light ale versus the dark stouts.

ail- She seems to ail from the flu every Christmas season.

air- atmosphere-  The air by the seashore is always fresher than that air in the city.

heir-one who inherits property- She is the only heir for her grandparents property in Mailbu.

aisle- a passage-  The aisles in the movie theatre are spacious for comfort during the movie presentation.

I'll- I will contraction: I will restart my hiking regime after the new year.

isle-island:  My favorite isle vacation is at the big island of Hawaii.

altar-table in a church: The altar at the City of Angels church is minimal in design with just the basic necessities for the ceremonies.

alter-to change: I had my tailor alter my new black wool suit.

blew-past tense of blow-  The wind blew all the loose fall leaves into my clean yard.

blue- Mixing the color blue with yellow equals green.

beet- plant with red roots- Beet juice is good for your immunities and circulatory system.

beat- Before vacuum cleaners, people had to beat their carpets with a broom to get rid of the dust and dirt.

moose-  The moose herd were grazing in the fresh, green pasture.

mousse- The hairdresser applied mousse to my hair to hold the curl.

navel-  Bellybutton is another word for navel.

naval-  The sailors at the naval academy are getting ready to graduate and receive their officer commissions.

need- My doctor recommended that I need to exercise at least 3 times a week to stay in shape.

knead-The baker has to knead more than twenty pounds of dough a day to provide fresh bread for the customers in his neighborhood.

pail- I fill a gallon pail to water my outdoor plants instead of using a water hose. 

pale- Because of her pale skin she has to apply suntan lotion and wear a large brim hat at the beach. 

addition- The addition of another cat to our pet family of four cats made it more fun and enjoyable instead of hard work. 

edition- The new edition of the novel has a different ending to surprise the new and old readers.

break- I need a break after working for 8 hours straight on the computer.

brake- To prevent accidents, we always brake for the cows that cross the highway in the country. 

cellar- We are lucky that our house has a cellar and an attic for additional storage.

seller- The seller of the house was at the open house on Saturday to provide necessary information about his home.


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