Iridology- Eyes tell your story... Lesson 11

 Iridology is the science of reading fibers in the iris to determine how the body is functioning.

You can read nutrition levels, organ conditions, high cholesterol and much more.

The theory is that the iris contains nerve fibers connected to various parts of the body through previously unknown nerve pathway in the cranial nerves.  Ignatz Von Peczely, 19th century Hungarian began the study of iridology when he noticed changes in his patients' irises.

Some of his claims are listed:

The health value of each organ and organ area is determined by examining the color, lightness/darkness, shape and depth of the fibers of the iris.

-Generally the lighter the color of the fibers, the more activity and possibly sensation (such pain) there is supposed to be at the tissue level of the organ.

-Symptoms to identify:

Allergic sensitivity -environmental and food allergies present themselves as blood vessels appearing in the whites of the eyes. By measuring this against other indicators in the iris, a trained iridologist can determine the nature of the allergy and recommend remedial actions.

High cholesterol-white ring circling the iris can be indicative of both high cholesterol and arteriosclerosis which can be symptomatic of a poor diet. 


Describe what you see...comparing the organ chart with the actual eye starbursts...


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