Micro expressions- We can explain. Lesson 10

 Micro-expressions express the seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, contempt, and surprise.  In the 1990's Paul Ekman *(clinical psychologist) expanded his list of emotions to include a range of positive and negative emotions not all encoded in facial muscles 

Some emotions expressed as facial expressions:

happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, confusion, excitement,

-Macro Expressions                            Micro Expressions

-obvious expression                            -often misinterpreted or missed completely

-last 1/2-4 secs                                    -occurs in 1/2 of a sec or less

-match the content and                        -unconsciously display a concealed emotion

tone of what is said

Micro expressions occur in everyone, often unconsciously. 

There is no way to prevent them from happening.

Learning to detect micro expressions can benefit with emotional awareness and overall safety,    

What kind of expressions would you make with the following scenarios:

-you are about to sneeze

-someone gave you a gift you don't like

-the last person in the restroom didn't flush the toilet

-your computer gets a virus and you can't get it fixed for a week

-your neighbor left you some fresh bread at your door

-fresh laundry

-It'll take time to restore chaos."



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