
Showing posts from July, 2022

Oxymorons Gentle Trampling...Lesson 35

  Oxymoron- is a self-contradicting word or group of words. A paradox is a statement or argument  that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet or perhaps true. 1. less is more- A vanilla ice cream with light sugar sprinkles is considered less is more. 2. accurate estimate- The car repairman gave me an accurate estimate for my car tune up. 3. alone together- When we go to the lake for our annual vacation, we love being alone together. 4.awfully good-  The wedding banquet served an awfully good assortment of food choices. 5. bittersweet- Our departure from our Rome vacation was bittersweet because we had to say farewell to our grandparents. 6. climb down-  I helped the kid to climb down from the ladder. 7. close distance- The campground is a close distance from the park parking lot. 8. cheerful pessimist- The president appears to be a cheerful pessimist about the lack of support from his political team.  9. definite maybe- When I asked my mother for a bic

Lesson 34 : "He explained it to me..."

  1. The directions to the summer home were easier to find because he explained it to me very thoroughly. 2. So I could understand the comic's monologue about the "Tooth Fairy" in his childhood, he explained it to me like a six year old. 3. He clearly explained it to me so I could understand what he was saying in French.  4. I was able to understand the new computer program because he explained it to me in a clear, concise, manner. 5. Watching the dog roll over several times, his owner explained it to me as a trick it learned by itself.  6. So I would not make a mistake setting the table, I asked the hostess to explain it to me by drawing a diagram.  7. While visiting the museum tour of the Picasso exhibition, the art docent explained it to me personally.  8. To make itself understood, the cat explained it to me by meowing loudly. 9. My gardener brought a new lemon tree hybrid and explained it to me in order to agree with the planting. 10. "Can you explain it to me l

Words ending with "gue" Lesson 33

  1.prologue The prologue of the play began with the main character speaking to the audience. The symbolic seeds in the prologue of the story become the gigantic sunflowers at the end. 2. epilogue The epilogue of the story discussed how the hikers ultimately reached their destination on horseback. Their were three endings in the play and the epilogue gave hints on which fit the best. 3. merengue The peaks of the merengue were almost 3 inches tall thereby giving the lemon pie a delicious appearance.  The trifle dessert has four layers of strawberries and bananas divided by three layers of merengue. 4. vague The car dealer  was very vague about the delivery date of my new car, stating possibly in two-three weeks. The directions to his house were too vague for his friends to find the location. 5. morgue The man that died in the car accident was sent directly to the morgue instead of the hospital. The morgue was overloaded after the earthquake too many lives. 6. tongue The tongue of the ch

Words Ending in "ng" Lesson 32

1. among- I felt joyful among my friends at the class reunion dinner. Among all the students, they decided to donate their classroom funds to the ASPCA in their town. . 2. along- The bicycle path wraps along the river bank and through the forest of redwoods. He decided to go along with his friend's idea of investing 20% of his salary. 3. flung- The boys flung mud balls at their friends as a joke and to have fun making a mess His idea of walking from southern to northern California in 30 days was considered "far flung" until he actually succeeded. 4. vying- When I come home from work, all my cats try vying for my attention by meowing as loud as they can. All vying swimmers are registering with the coach. 5. slang "Dressed to the nines" is an  old slang expression for dressing beautifully and full of class. "He's the cat's pajamas" is also an old slang expression for being handsome. 6.sprung Spring has sprung and the flowers are blooming througho