Lesson 27 "Family Inspirations for Fine Art" "Jane Castillo" Artist


Jane Castillo-Los Angeles based artist with parents who immigrated from Columbia.

"Hairball" Sculptures added to Castillo's personal journey  for developing her current art form.

Castillo uses the symbolism and metaphor of hair as a marker of identity and gender; hair places you in

the cultural hierarchy based upon the preferred color and straightness: you have either high hair or low

hair.  To comment upon the large role hair plays in the life of its owner, Castillo makes huge hairballs

of densely curled hair, formed painstakingly by hand, and then hung on ropes from the ceiling.  The

hair is as artificial as the semiotic meaning of hair types, and, depending on its color, one ball can 

knock the others about.  "Ecliptic Eccentricity" is a series of five large hairballs, four black and one

blonde, a redesigned pendulum. The blonde hairball is on the end--position of power.  It can knock the 

black ones around. Hair is a statement of artifice, truly an object of culture. 

Castillo also dedicates much of her inspiration relating to her hair sculptures to her Columbian 

grandmother who descended from multi-racial backgrounds.  Castillo's personal hair is similar to  

 her grandmother's.

semiotic - relating to signs and symbols

-Which object, artifacts, hobbies, standards, can you use to symbolize your family system/structure?


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