Lesson 25 More Memoirs with Inspiration by Alberto Rios Jr's Capirotada...

Too Much Peanuts-Muchos Cacahuates

I used to look forward to having my grandmother's capirotada in the early spring.  I didn't understand the religious/historical significance until I was a full grown-long-ago- college- graduate.  I recall one of the last times I had capirotada at my grandmother's house.  I was probably fifteen almost sixteen at the time.  The image was a kitchen  all in Irish plaid with dark shadows of the fall. The future shined through the living room window over the Early American sofa. The capirotada was still kind of the same-too many peanuts for me.  Almost every spoonful seemed like it was 80% peanuts-cacahuates. 

When writing creatively it is okay to play with the grammar and combine different languages.




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