Abstractions via Pablo Picasso


Abstract Art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky

Pablo Picasso -Guernica 1937

 Guernica is Picasso's most important political painting and remains an anti-war symbol.  It is 11'x25' in scale-mural size.  The painting depicts the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica in l937 during the Spanish Civil War.

The Spanish Republican government commissioned Picasso to paint the large mural for an art exhibition in Paris. The painting remains a global symbol of peace.  The painting contains images of people and animals suffering during the tragedies of this war. The popularity of the painting helped to end the Spanish Civil War.

The mono-chromatic painting shows an open room with animals and people suffering. A bull stands over a crying woman with a dead child in her arms. A horse falls in terrible pain after being speared.

A light bulb shines like an evil eye notating that "light bulb" in Spanish is "bombilla" which sounds like bomb.

A female holding a lamp is a symbol of hope.

The painting has travelled to many countries including the United States.  The Spanish dictator Francisco Franco wanted it to come to Spain but Picasso refused until Spain became democratic.
Picasso died in l973 and Franco died in l975 and Spain became democratic.  The painting went to Spain in l98l and is exhibited at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid.

* How is this painting an abstraction of a horrible event?

*How can this painting be defined as "controlled chaos"?

 Picasso's self portrait influenced by African masks he was seeing in Paris.
*How does the self-portrait painting reflect the feelings of the photograph of Picasso?

Pablo Ruiz Picasso 
October 24, 1881 (Malaga, Spain)
April 8, 1973 (Mougins France)

Frida Kahlo 1907-1954 Coyoacan, Mexico City, Mexico

In 1939 Frida Kahlo was invited by Andre Breton, French artist, to visit Paris.  Her work was exhibited their and she befriended artists like Marc Chagall, Piet Mondrian and Pablo Picasso.  

Picasso gave her the infamous "hand earrings" that have been immortalized in her paintings and that she wore throughout her lifetime.

                                                  Andre Breton 1896-1966 French- poet/writer
                                                   "Surrealist Manifesto"

Marc Chagall -The Village 1911
1887-1985 Russian French

Piet Mondrian
1872-1944 Dutch


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