-Last night I read an entire novel.  I leafed through the pages ferociously until I completed the book.

-Then I placed the book in my library in a vacant spot allotted for this enlightening novel.

-I had read at least 100 books by the time I was twelve.  I hosted pretend seminars with

my friends in the summer.  

-Most of my childhood friends were bookworms who charmed the teachers with their knowledge.

-I always played the concerned friend for my friends that were sometimes bullied by other kids.

Simple Past Tense

Wolfgang the cat entered the door with kitty paws.

He won the breakfast meal first.

Wolfgang admired the way the light glinted on the flashlight toy.

Wolfgang swept the floor with his bushy tail.

Past Continuous Tense

-When we got to the house yesterday morning, the baby was drinking a bottle.

-He was waiting at home all day for the cable guy. The cable guy was fixing the wrong

television next door.  He was apologizing to the customer during his visit.

-Alan was cutting the grass when a snake appeared.  It was winding its way through the lawn.

The coral snake was being friendly as it was scurrying over the garden stones.

-I was sleeping when you got home last night. I was dreaming of a ski vacation.


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