
Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands, and ears.  It is based on the theory that these body parts are connected to certain organs and body systems.

People who practice this technique are called reflexologists.

Reflexology is based on the Chinese belief of qi (pronounced "chee") or vital energy. The qi flows through each person.  When a person is stressed, their body blocks qi.

This can cause an imbalance in the body and can lead to illness.  Reflexology helps to keep the body in balance. 

Touch is believed to send energy flowing into a person's body and reaches the area needed for healing.

1. What are the potential benefits of reflexology?

-reduce stress and anxiety

-reduce pain

-lift mood

-improve general well-being

2. What are additional benefits of reflexology?

-boost immune system

-fight cancer

-relieve colds and bacterial infections

-clear sinuses

-recover from back problems

-boost fertility

-improve digestion

-ease arthritis pain

-treat nerve problems and numbness from cancer drugs 

3. What do researchers say?

Pain- Women undergoing chemotherapy for cancer have found the reflexology helped to reduce some of their symptoms 30 minute treatments have helped to reduce anxiety.  Also the touch by another human being helps the person to relax and reduce anxiety.

The heart 7 pressure point- found at the crease of the wrist.  Applying gentle pressure to this spot may help against anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations and depression.

The small intestine (near pinkie) is 3 pressure point helps to relieve neck pain, earaches, and headaches that occur in the back of the head.


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