Lesson 7 Covid-19 Questions for seniors and others

Reviews of everyday questions for Covid-19 (Practice to continually improve English understanding)

1. What are the most common side effects in the elderly after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine?

The study results showed that the vaccines were safe and provided protection from Covid-19 in these older adults. The most common side effects were pain at the injection site and systemic symptoms like fever and chills.  These side effects were generally mild and moderate.

2. What are some suggestions to keep adults active during Covid-19?

-Climb up the stairs as much as you can-an opportunity to keep active.

-Use household chores as a way to be more physically active.

-Join an online exercise class or make up your own routine.

-Strengthen muscles with lift weight lifting or improvise by using full bottles of water

-Make time for fun with dancing to music.

3.Do healthy adults under the age of 65 need to worry about Covid-19?

Yes.  The risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19 increases with age but younger people can get sick and require hospitalization.

4. Who is the most at risk for coronavirus?

Adults of any age with the following conditions are at risk :


-Chronic kidney disease

-COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

-Down Syndrome

-Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease

5. What should you stock up on for coronavirus?

- Canned goods like soups, tuna, beans

-other  non-perishable items like rice and beans

-frozen foods

-water and electrolyte-based liquids such as Pedialyte or Gatorade



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