lesson 58 Johnny Appleseed


Johnny Appleseed (born John Chapman, September 26, 1774-March 18, 1845) was an American 

pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple treees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana,

Illinois and the present day Ontario, as well as the northern countries of present day West Virginia.

1.What is the moral of the story of Johnny Appleseed?

John Chapman followed the word of God and served the country by planting apple seeds all

over the country.

-Moral reasoning in the story focuses on concern for relationships and concern for law and order.

-The theme of the story is Give generously and without discriminating, even if the gift is simple.

2.What is the myth of Johnny Appleseed?

Johnny Appleseed's energy for planting trees was super-human.  Nearly all of the orchards in the 

new west were the result of his labors.

-Johnny Appleseed was considered St. Francis and Santa Claus wrapped into one bundle.

3. What were the lessons learned from Johnny Appleseed?

-Beyond spreading apple trees throughout the country, he often talked to people and encouraged

them to respect all living things.

-He warned against excess and encouraged people to live close to nature.

4. Why did Johnny Appleseed wear a pit?

-Johnny Appleseed is often depicted wearing a tin pot on his head.  In reality he preferred to wear

a tin hat.  

-The tin hat was for practicality to use for cooking his meals during his travels.

-The threadbare clothes and bare feet his is shown with in pictures are also said to be

accurate.  He went barefoot to feel the earth under his feet.

5. Was Johnny Appleseed rich or poor?

-He looked like someone that was poor and homeless but he was a successful businessman. 

He used his money to improve his apple business and help other people.

6. What did Johnny Appleseed have a knack for?

-He had a knack for finding the places that were on the edge of the frontier. He would plant

apple seeds there to  welcome the new pioneers.  

-He would sell the saplings to the new pioneers to get them started with their first crops for food.

-If business was slow, he would pick up his seeds and move to the next place.

7.What is the quote about Johnny Appleseed?

-The Lord is good to me, Johnny Appleseed.  Oh, and every seed I sow will grow into a tree.

-And someday there'll be apples there for everyone in the world to share.  Oh, the Lord is good to 
me, Johnny Appleseed.

8. Was Johnny Appleseed wealthy?

-He died a rich man thanks to many unsold orchards that he owned.  His humble, bare-bones

lifestyle helped to gain his wealth.

-Though appearing poor, he was not a poor man.  He accumulated more cash than he needed by

selling his apple treees and tracts of land.

-He never used banks and relied instead on an elaborate system of burying his money.

-He preferred to barter and trade food or clothing rather than collect money for his trees.

9. Did Johnny Appleseed love apples?

-He was born in Massachusetts in 1774.  At age 18 he headed west with his brother Nathaniel.  

-In his 20's he started apprenticing at an apple orchard were his love of apples began.

10. How old was Johnny Appleseed when he died?

In 1845 around age 70,  John Chapman died.  His grave site location has been disputed for years

with its actual location remaining a mystery.

-A tombstone at Archer Park a public park in Fort Wayne, Indiana is dedicated to his memory.

11. Why is Johnny Appleseed important for children?

The frontiersman is famous for his role in creating apple orchards throughout the American

Pioneers have woven many tales about this unusual yet beloved man, turning him into a folk hero.

12. What did Johnny Appleseed fear?

Johnny Appleseed refused to build campfires because he feared bugs would fly into the flame

and be burned alive. 

Later in his life, Johnny was a strict vegertarian.

13. How old was Johnny Appleseed when he died?

-In 1845, around the age of 70, John Chapman died.  His grave site was disputed for a number of 

years and the exact location is subject to a mystery.

-His legacy as a pioneer and fruit grower is still very much alive today -especially in the apple 

trees that he helped to plant in the midwest.

14. How did Johnny Appleseed pass away?

-Chapman died of pneumonia at a friend's house in Indiana in 1845.

- His unmarked grave is believed to be located in a town just north of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

15. Did Johnny Appleseed have a wife?

Johnny never married.  The 1,200 acres of tree nurseries along with several other plots were 

passed on to his sister.

16. Did Johnny have any children?

-Because he didn't marry, he had no children to inherit his land and trees. 


- Chapmanis legacy lives through his fifth-generation nephew also named John Chapman, who 

still maintains apple orchards in Maine.


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