Abraham Lincoln's Fun Facts- reading comprehension Lesson 43

 Abraham Lincoln's Birthday  February 12, 1809- April 15, 1865

1. At 6 foot, 4 inches , Lincoln was the tallest president. The average height of men at this time was 5'6".  Lyndon Johnson was 6'3.5" and Donald Trump is 6'3".

-He was the first president to be born outside of the original thirteen colonies. He was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin. 

- Lincoln was the first president to be photographed at his inauguration. He was to have sat for over thirty-six photographers on sixty-six occasions.

-John Wilkes Booth (his assassin) can be seen standing close to Lincoln in the picture.

-Lincoln was the first president to wear a beard.***

-A few weeks before he was elected President, Lincoln received a letter from Grace Bedell

an 11 year old from Westfield, New York,(October 15, 1860) who urged him to grow a beard to help him get elected. 

In Lincoln's response of October 19, 1860,  he gave no promises, but a month later allowed his beard to grow.

Grace Bedell's has become part of the Lincoln folklore as the little girl that changed Lincoln's personality and appearance by recommending that he wear a beard.  The beard without a mustache was worn predominately by clergy.

-In February 19, 1861 while visiting Westfield, New York, Lincoln actually meet Grace Bedell at a train station.  Her father introduced her to Lincoln who stooped down and kissed the child and talk to her for a few minutes. 

He sat by the train platform and said "Gracie, look at my whiskers. I have been growing them for you."

The he gave her a kiss and never saw her again.

-He is largely self-educated. Despite becoming a successful lawyer, Lincoln did not have a degree. 

-His total schooling obtained from travelling teachers, is estimated to total only around 1 year.

-The President's security, John Parker, left his post to watch the play at Washington, DC's Ford Theatre and went to the saloon next door during intermission.  It was the same place that John Wilkes Booth was drinking. 

No one knows where Parker was when Lincoln was killed.

John Wilkes Booth saved Lincoln's son. 

 Not long before the President was assassinated, Edwin Booth, a famous actor at the time, pulled Robert Lincoln to safety at a train station after he had fallen on the tracks. 

 It was just as a train was about to leave the station.


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