Politically Correct Terms “Yeah or Nay” Lesson 4

Some of the “politically correct”  terms can be viewed seriously and satirically...what pictures/ definitions appear to you as you read them? (Think about synonyms-analogies-antonyms, adjectives)

1. bald - follically challenged  (sans hair, thin on top)

2. cowardly- challenge challenged ( ie: runaway volunteer, backward foot-stepper, bravery deficient)

3. Dish washer- utensil sanitizer

4. dorm- residence hall

5. ignorant- factually unencumbered 

6. janitor- sanitation engineer 

7. large nose- nasally gifted

8. lazy- energetically declined (is: productively delayed, recumbent expert)

9. mankind- humankind

10. Old persons- senior citizens (is: geriatric set)

11. poor- economically marginalized 

12. quiet- conversational minimalist 

13. complaint form- response form

14. Stewardess- flight attendant

15. Mailman- letter carrier

16. drug addict- substance abuser

17. fire- downsize, streamline, let go

18. Garbage collector- sanitation engineer/ person

19. boring- charm free

20. failure- incomplete success 

21. mistake- inoperative statement

22. least best- worst 


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