Analogies - what are they good for... lesson #1

An analogy shows comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea.

example: apple: tree:: milk : cow

Choose one of the relationships provided below.

1. hovel is to dirty as hub is to _____________

hovel( poor, poverty, home)....hub (center of a city)

unseen    busy   spade

2. crying is to pain as laughing is to ______________

happiness   glare   annoyed

3. cat is to kitten as bear is to ____________

lamb    pony    cub

4. reverse is to forward as down is to ______________

lift   up   haul

5. canary is to yellow as polar bear is to ___________

brown    black    white

6. cashier is to cash as plumber is to _________________

pipe    wire    basket

7. pear is to fruit as steak is to _________________

vegetable    dinner   meat

8. segregate is to unify as repair is to ________________

push    damage   pull

9. axe is to grind as spanner is to

grip     bolt    hammer

*spanner -  wrench

10. host is to hostess as waiter is to _______________________

waitress   meal   juice

11, Snake is to reptile as bear is to _________________

mammal, fish,  amphibian ,  paws

12. Knight is to sword as wizard is to________________

castle,  princess,   wand,   hat

13. Bird is to wing as fish is to_______________

swim, worm, water, fin

14. Hat is to head as sock is to _____________

hand, foot, clothing, smelly

15. Telescope is to stars as microscope is to _________________

planets, science, bacteria, look

16. Candy is to sweet as potato chip is to_______________

snack,  flavor,  lunch,  salty

17. City is to country as planet is to ____________

stars, solar system, earth, comet


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