
Showing posts from May, 2024

Flower Power Lesson 62

Flower Power was a slogan used during the late `1960's and early 1970's as a symbol of passive resistance and nonviolence. It is rooted in the opposition movement to the Vietnam War 1. What is the flower power slang ? -The phrase stemmed from the flowers the iconoclasts often wore to demonstrate their pacifism. -Devotees were flower children or flower people, hippies were also know as the flower-power generation. -The noun youthquake also appeared in the mid-1960's to further describe the movement. 2. What is the concept of flower power? -Coined in 1965 by acclaimed poet and voice of his generation Allen Ginsberg, "flower power"  was used to inspire a movement in which anti-war demonstrators focused on positive values such as peace and love instead of brute force. 3. What is an example of flower power? -Hippies embraced the symbolism of Flower Power by dressing in clothing with embroidered flowers and vibrant colors.  -Hippies were often seen in public wearing flo

Gloria Steinem Lesson 61

  Gloria Steinem - Marcg 25, 1934 Toledo, OH Feminist Type: Second Wave of Feminism Profession:Author, Journalist, Orator, Screenwriter, Columnist, Spokeperson 1. How did Steinem change the world? -A leading feminist spokesperson since the mid-20th century, she helped launch a variety of groups and publications dedicated to promoting civil rights.  -In 2013 Steinem was awarded the Presidental Medal of Freedom for her work in the  women's liberation movement. 2. Why was Steinem a hero? -From her humble Ohio childhood, Steinem grew up to become an acclaimed journalist,  trailblazing feminist, and one of the most passionate leaders and spokewomen for women's rights in the late 20th and early 21st century. 3.  What did Steinem do to fight for equality? Steinem participated in the founding of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, Voters for Choice Women Against Pornography and the Women's Media Center. 4. Is Steinem a radical femnist? -Although most frequently considered a liberal

lesson 60 Dolores Huerta- American Labor Leader and Civil Rights Activist

  Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico, is an American  labor leader and civil rights activist who with Cesar Chavez is the co-founder of the United Farm  Workers Association which later became the Agriculture Workers Organizing Committee and is  now known as UFW -United Farm Workers. 1. What is Dolores Huerta best known for? -Dolores was the co-founder with Cesar Chavez of the National Farmworkers Association which became the United Farm Workers of America. -Dolores is a tireless advocate for the rights of farmworkers, Mexican American immigrants, women, and LGBTQ populations. 2. Why do we celebrate Dolores? -April 10 is Dolores Huerta Day, and it is also her birthday born in 1930.  Dolores has spent her  entire adult life working to advance the rights of farmworkers and to empore women. 3. What did Dolores do for aid  for dependent families? - Dolores secured state-backed "aid for dependent families" and disability insurance for injured C