
Showing posts from October, 2023

LESSON 53 Onomatopoeia

  Onomatopoeia - Are examples of words that project the actual sound in a sentence. examples: bang, splash, boom, meow - A relatively large number of bird names arise by onomatopoeia. -The use of onomatopoeia for literary effects. The language in her picture books is notable for its playfulness and onomatopoeia. -The naming of a thing or action by imitation of natural sounds 1. The bee hives in my grandmothers backyard create a sympophy of sounds with their buzzing music.  2. My cats will hiss at the neighbor cats through the window. 3. A snake that was swerving in the desert landscapes frigthened me with its low volume hissing. 4. Because she lives by herself she didn't realize that she snored until her friends told her during their summer vacation. 5. My dogs has the cutest snore during his afternoon nap. 6. The vroom of  my neighbor's old model car would wake me up every morning. 7. The car races in Long Beach Auto Show create a vroom sound that almost break the sound barrie