
Showing posts from July, 2023

lesson 49 Where did the Saying :_Originate?____________

 Where does the expression "put your John Hancock here...? 1. Named after the  American merchant and statesman John Hancock (1737-1793), the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.  According to legend, he signed his name in a bold fashion so that George III could read it.  Since then "a John Hancock is associated with a signature. A synonym for signature. 2. John Hancock's famous quote:  Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as liberty, without freedom of speech.  We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.  3, John Hancock, the president of the Continental Congress, has the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence.  4. The youngest signatories of the Declaration of Independence was Edward Rutledge (age 26) and the oldest was Benjamin Franklin (age 70) 5. Out of 200 copies that were printed by John Dunlap on the night of July 4, 1776, (via Thomas Jefferson's request)

Lesson 48 Little known facts about the Declaration of Independence

  1. The Declaration of Independence was not actually signed on July 4, 1776. The Second Continental Congress adopted it that day, but the 56 representatives did not take up the quill pen until August 2...nearly a month later. John Dunlap the official printer of Congress, worked all night and into the morning of July 5 to produce the "broadside" a large single-sided sheet, similar to a poster.   2. The only names that appear on the first copy are those of John Hancock, Congress president, and secretary Charles Thomson. 3. Thomas Jefferson was just 33 years old when he wrote the declaration but already a well-known and accomplished writer.  He received help from John Adams and Benjamin Franklin to draft the revolutionary document he called "an expression of the American mind." Jefferson  left explicit instructions that he wanted his gravestone to be inscribed, "Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute o

Surveys Lesson 46

SURVEYS - Surveys are a method of gathering information from a group of individuals by asking questions.   Surveys can be conducted through various mediums such as paper and pencil, online forms, telephone or face-to face interviews.- Example:  AARP Survey for the Job Board -How did you learn about the AARP Board? -AARP email -AARP Publication -AARP mailing -AARP virtual webinar Have you done any of the following on AARP job board? -Conducted a job search ? -Conducted a job search for someone else? -Signed up for email alerts on new job postings meeting your interest? -Uploaded your resume on the website so that employers may find you? -Read any of the career advice articles listed under the career resources section of the website? What is a good survey question? A good survey question is one that gives you useful information regarding your customer, employee, or target audience. (Supermarket: How far is your favorite grocery store?) This is information that tells you how they feel abo