
Showing posts from February, 2023

Abraham Lincoln's Fun Facts- reading comprehension Lesson 43

  Abraham Lincoln's Birthday  February 12, 1809- April 15, 1865 1. At 6 foot, 4 inches , Lincoln was the tallest president. The average height of men at this time was 5'6".  Lyndon Johnson was 6'3.5" and Donald Trump is 6'3". -He was the first president to be born outside of the original thirteen colonies. He was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin.  - Lincoln was the first president to be photographed at his inauguration. He was to have sat for over thirty-six photographers on sixty-six occasions. -John Wilkes Booth (his assassin) can be seen standing close to Lincoln in the picture. -Lincoln was the first president to wear a beard.*** -A few weeks before he was elected President, Lincoln received a letter from Grace Bedell an 11 year old from Westfield, New York,(October 15, 1860) who urged him to grow a beard to help him get elected.  In Lincoln's response of October 19, 1860,  he gave no promises, but a month later allowed his bea