
Showing posts from January, 2023

Antonyms 42

 Antonyms -the opposite of a word 1. accidental-intentional -It was an accidental move when my co-worker spilled my coffee over my deadline paperwork. -The way my coffee toppled over my important paperwork seemed intentional by my co-worker.  2. arrival-departure Last night at LAX we were waiting for the arrival of my college friend and the departure of my parents simultaneously.  3. artificial - natural The artificial turf in my backyard patio is almost as natural as having a fresh, green lawn. 4. better-worse Our whole family is feeling better after having Covid during the holiday season. The worse part of our family having Covid during the holiday season was that we couldn't go to the mall and have our traditional portrait with Santa Claus.  5. blunt-sharp All my color pencils had blunt points after working on my new drawing this morning. To conserve my color pencils I prefer to use a manual pencil sharpener instead of an electric one. 6. borrow-lend I feel fortunate to have a n