
Showing posts from June, 2022

Lesson 31 words with beginning with "th"

  1. thumbtack The college student uses thumbtacks to post pictures on his college dorm bulletin board. The thumbtack was the precursor of the pushpin. 2. thunder The thunder clouds are stronger and bolder with the summer rains.  The thunder and lightning frightened the cats last night causing them to sleep under the bed. 3. threads The turquoise threads were unraveling off the vintage silk dress. The multi-colored threads were available at the fabric store. 4. theme The theme of the play was based on The Wild West and the California Gold rush. Since they were high school sweethearts, their theme song was "Let Me Call You Sweetheart". 5.therapist The therapist specializes in children from elementary to middle school. The psychology convention was designed to help the therapist with new methods of discussion. 6. theatrics  The comedian used animation and various methods of theatrics to get his message across to his audience. The woman's  theatrics seemed insincere as she s