
Showing posts from April, 2022

Swing...words that begin with SW and more Lesson 29

 1. swabbed ---I swabbed the floor with a new an improved mop that cleaned my kitchen floor in minutes. 2. swan-  The swan is a bird that is known for mating for life with its swan partner. 3. sway-  The tall palm trees sway back and forth during the wind storm. 4. swap-  When I was a kid in elementary school, I used to swap my tuna sandwich for my friend's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  5. swig-  I took a swig from my friend's water bottle and found out it was wine instead. 6. swami- The swami at the temple greeted me with welcome arms. 7. swift-  The deer was swift as it traveled through the hill side. 8. sword-  The sword fight by the knights was fierce and brutal. 9. swept- The waves swept the debris away from the shoreline. 10. swallow-  The spaghetti was hard to swallow without more sauce. 11. swatter- I just bought a fly swatter to swat the flies in my patio area. 12. swamped-  The accountant was swamped with income tax clients during tax time. 13. sweeter-  For me