
Showing posts from July, 2021

Lesson 18 words ng-Song, wrong, prong, and words ction -action, reaction, attraction

N G WORDS middle ng Bengal -  The Bengal cat is a highly active cat not good for pet lovers that want a gentle, quiet cat. England-  England is part of the United Kingdom. English- English is a West Germanic language belonging to the Indo-European language family, originally spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. finger- Humans have four fingers and a thumb on their hands. hunger- My goal is to donate 10% of my income to prevent hunger. jingle-  He wrote a clever jingle for the hamburger restaurant. jungle- Gorillas are better off living in their respective jungle habitats. longer- The day seemed longer during the driver's education workshop. singer- The folk singer sang songs from inspired by Peter, Paul, and Mary of the l960's. stronger- Running the track on a daily basis has made my leg muscles stronger and equally flexible. tango- Me and my friend are taking tango lessons to improve our balance and health. tongue- My tongue was on fire after eating hot chilies

Lesson 17 Verbs and prepositions and Collocations

  Collocation- are words that are frequently placed together.  A collocation in English is a group of two or more words that are often found together in speech or writing. These word groupings help to avoid overused and ambiguous words like "very", "nice", "beautiful".  Describe the images in the photograph using collocations... The glare of the sun prevented us from seeing the gutted out - demolished residual structures. 1. He is able to pay attention even after an eight hour "graveyard" shift. (pay attention)   2. The teenagers travel to the fast food restaurant on imagery jet propelled skateboards. (fast food, jet propelled) 3. My next door neighbor makes an effort to share her roses with me (makes an effort) 4. She had intended to take the Christmas holiday in New York and decided to stay under the perpetual warmth of the Malibu sun. 5. The history teacher wanted to see if he could get a job with us. Fortunately, he was hired because the scho