
Showing posts from June, 2021

Progressive tense/ prepositions Lesson 16

 I am now living in London. He is now living in London near Buckingham Palace. We are now moving our business to London. He is singing my favorite song to me over the telephone. The choir was signing the Christmas carols to the first grade children. The dog was carrying his toy to my sofa. The truck driver was carrying a full cargo to the supermarkets in the small town. The fire engine sirens roaring down the street are keeping me awake. 

Lesson 15----the Subtleties of Language/ Visual, and Written Words

  Subtle---delicate, precise, and sometimes difficult to describe or analyze... What is your definition of glamour? Glamour can mean beauty, excitement, enchantment.  In Scottish gramarye meaning magic, enchantment or a spell. -allure  - The health spa creates an allure of spiritual freedom with the fragrance of essential oils. -attraction - The attraction  of the new summer fashions are an homage to 1969's paisley parades. attractiveness- Attractiveness is meant to be long term. fascination - Her fascination with dream therapy helps her with her poetry. charm- Poodles hold charm in their finely groomed tail and leg pom-poms.  enchantment - The forest holds the enchantment of fairy tales and fairies.  charming - The  charming Parisian decor of the living room consists of a burgundy velvet sofa,                     gold velvet drapery, ensconced in multiple stacks of art and architecture books.              elegant- The elegant soiree at the top of the Buenaventure Hotel had an open