
Showing posts from February, 2021

TIN and TIM Lesson 5

TIME.....TINE   Time.....clock, hours, measures of time Tine...prongs of a fork, pitch fork, tuning fork practice pronouncing words that begin with "tim" and "tin" timeline timeless timber timecard timeworn timid timpanists tinker tinkerer   tinkering tingle tinsel  tinseling tinder tinctures tinplate tinsnips tinfoil tinhorn tinkertoys create sentences with tim and tin:  A timeless timecard for tinkering with tinkertoys.

Politically Correct Terms “Yeah or Nay” Lesson 4

Some of the “politically correct”   terms can be viewed seriously and satirically...what pictures/ definitions appear to you as you read them? (Think about synonyms-analogies-antonyms, adjectives) 1. bald - follically challenged  (sans hair, thin on top) 2. cowardly- challenge challenged ( ie: runaway volunteer, backward foot-stepper, bravery deficient) 3. Dish washer- utensil sanitizer 4. dorm- residence hall 5. ignorant- factually unencumbered  6. janitor- sanitation engineer  7. large nose- nasally gifted 8. lazy- energetically declined (is: productively delayed, recumbent expert) 9. mankind- humankind 10. Old persons- senior citizens (is: geriatric set) 11. poor- economically marginalized  12. quiet- conversational minimalist  13. complaint form- response form 14. Stewardess- flight attendant 15. Mailman- letter carrier 16. drug addict- substance abuser 17. fire- downsize, streamline, let go 18. Garbage collector- sanitation engineer/ person 19. boring- charm free 20. failure- inco