
Showing posts from August, 2023

Lesson 51 Where does the expression come from #2

 1. Break the ice-to break off a conflict or commence a friendshipB -Back when transportation was by ships, at times the ships would get stuck in the ice during the winter. The receiving country would send small ships to "break the ice" and the clear the way for the trade ships. -To break the ice with their prespective in-laws my parents had a barbeque for both families to get acquanited. 2. Butter someone up -This was a customary religious act in ancient India.  The devout would throw butter balls at the statues of their gods to seek favor and forgiveness. -The car dealer "butters up" his clients with coffee and donuts as they enter the dealership. 3. Barking up the wrong tree-means to have a misguided thoughts about an event or situaiton- a false lead -The refers to hunting dogs that chase their prey up a tree not realizing that the prey is no longer there. -The politician was "barking up the wrong tree" when she proposed her conservative ideas to to a h

LESSON 50- Where does the expression ....come from

 1. BITTE THE BULLET Meaning: to perform a painful task or endure an unpleasant situation Origin: In the 1800's, patients would literally bite on a bullet to cope with the pain of having surgery before anesthesia was common.  2. JUMP THE SHARK Meaning: the moment when a form of entertainment reaches a decline in quality by including gimmicks to maintain interest. Origin  : In the show "Happy Days" the character Fonzie literally jumps over a shark while water skiing, afterward, radio personality Jon Hein popularized the phrase "jump the shark" to describe the decline of the show. 3. MINDING YOUR P'S AND Q'S Meaning: to consciously ignore unwanted information Origin: The phrase "to turn a blind eye" is said to originate with the Admiral Horatio Nelson, who allegedly looked through his telescope using his blind eye to avoid signals from his superior telling him to withdraw from battle. * Horatio Nelson: 1758-1805 British flag officer in the Royal