
Showing posts from March, 2023

Surprising Facts About Mary Todd Lincoln Lesson 44

Born: December 13, 1818- Lexington, Kentucky Died: July 16, 1882- Springfield, IL Mary Todd Lincoln, native to Kentucky, is often relegated to history as someone who suffered  from mental illness, though in truth both herself and President Lincoln most likely suffered from depression.  But, there are quite a few facts that most people don't know about this  First Lady. 1. Mary was one of 16 children in her father's blended family.  He remarried after his first wife, Mary's mother, passed away.  Mary had a troubled relationship with her stepmother. 2. Some of her siblings were confederates.  Raised in Kentucky, 8 of her siblings actually  supported the Confederacy, which was not surprising considering her family's background.   Three of her half brothers fought for the Confederacy. 3. Mary was educated.  As the daughter of a wealthy slave owner, Mary's family had plenty of money.  Mary was highly educated and spoke fluent French, a fact she would put to use in her la