
Showing posts from November, 2022

Lesson 39 Words that end with OUND

 OUND 1. The traffic was heavy heading westbound on the 405 freeway. 2. Since the Covid 19 quarantine, we have been homebound and unable to leave our home. 3. The greyhound is a lean and fast dog used for greyhound races. 4. The Greyhound bus has been around for almost one hundred years. 5. My teenage boy is a real chowhound at every meal.  He always asks for seconds and thirds. 6. My Irish Setter is the best deerhound I have every owned.  He is unfounded in his success for finding deer. 7. I was dumbfound when I could not find the my friend's correct address even with the help of two neighbors. 8. We are deskbound in the office instead of working from home. 9. I prefer to ask the butcher for fresh ground beef when I go to the supermarket. 10. As a child I enjoyed going around and around on the merry-go-round near the beach in Santa Monica. 11. The sound of the rock music woke me up very early this morning. 12.On our vacation to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, produced boundless views