
Showing posts from August, 2022

Lesson 36 Similes/ METAPHORS 36 b

A Simile is a literary device that compares two things in an interesting and vivid way. Words such as "like" and "as' are used to compare two ideas. 1. He was as quiet as a mouse As he entered his father's hospital room, he was as quiet as a mouse. 2. smelling like a rose After winning the lawsuit, she walked out the court house smelling like a rose and waving her hands in the air with joy. 3. As dry as sandpaper The cracked earth near the Salton Sea was as dry as sandpaper. 4. roared like an angry lion The lightening and thunder over the dark skies roared like an angry lion. 5. swim like a fish She swims like a fish because she had lessons at the young age of 2. 6. eat like a bird- When the starlet was asked how she stayed so thin, she said: "I eat like a bird." 7.As clean as an operating room Her bright and shiny kitchen is as clean as an operating room. 8. as blind as a bat Without my glasses I am as blind as a bat. 9. footsteps as soft as cat paws M